Baltimore City HallThe primary mission of the Advisory Board is to advise, counsel, and support the Schaefer Center for Public Policy. The Board has no fiduciary or governance responsibilities. Within this context the Board members will: 

  • advise the Schaefer Center on strategic direction for ongoing lines of policy research
  • identify emerging policy issues where the Schaefer can inform the policy discussion
  • assist with connecting the center with potential collaborators
  • assist in acquiring resources and fundraising in support of the center’s work

Advisory Board

Robert Douglas (Chair) – Retired Partner, DLA Piper

Michael Golden (Vice Chair) – Director of External Affairs, Maryland State Retirement and Pension System

Sharonne Bonardi – Executive Director, Federation of Tax Administrators 

William Cole, IV – Partner, Margrave Strategies

Ryan Fredriksson – Vice President of Government Affairs, National Aquarium

Nancy S. Grasmick – Co-Director, Center for Innovation and Leadership in Special Education, Kennedy Krieger Institute

Nancy Gordon–  Executive Director, Protocol and University Events, University of Maryland, Baltimore

Peter Hammen – Principal, Kress Hammen Government Affairs

Sandra S. Hillman – President, Hillman Communications

R. Dean Kenderdine – Executive Director, National Council on Teacher Retirement 

Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr. – Vice President, BGR Group’s State & Local Advocacy Practice

Chichi Nyagah- Nash – Chief Operating Officer, Maryland Department of General Services

Lainy LeBow-Sachs – Executive Vice President, Kennedy Krieger Institute (Retired)

Scot Spencer – Associate Director, Annie E. Casey Foundation

James T. Smith, Jr. – Retired, Past Secretary of Maryland Department of Transportation, Former Baltimore County Executive

Emmanuel Welsh – Board of Public Works Executive, Office of the Governor

Ex-Officio Members

Ann Cotten – Executive Director, Schaefer Center for Public Policy

Tina DiFranco – Executive Director, UB School of Health and Human Services

Jennica Larrison – Executive Director, UB School of Public and International Affairs

Deb Stanley – Executive Director, UB School of Criminal Justice

Ivan Sascha Sheehan – Associate Dean, UB College of Public Affairs